Blood Cancer Awareness Month

For Servier Canada, the month of September is an important time of year. Designated as Blood Cancer Awareness Month, it is an opportunity for us to show our support for those living with cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma. 

At Servier Global and its Canadian subsidiary, the objective of our research and development initiatives
is to discover new treatments in areas having the greatest need. Hard-to-treat cancers, such as blood cancers, are one example. 

What are blood cancers? 

The Canadian Cancer Society refers to “blood cancer” as a general term for cancers affecting the production and function of blood cells. The majority of these cancers start in the bone marrow, where blood is produced. They occur when abnormal blood cells start multiplying out of control, interrupting
the function of normal blood cells which fight off infection and produce new blood cells. 

Leukemia and lymphoma are two common types of blood cancer. Leukemia usually occurs in the bone marrow and, according to the Canadian Cancer Statistics 2022 Special Report on Cancer Prevalence,
is the most common childhood cancer diagnosis, accounting for more than 1 in 3 cases (35%). Lymphoma (Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin), on the other hand, originates in the lymphatic system, which protects the human body against disease and infection.   

In Canada, blood cancers represent almost 10%
of all cancer diagnoses. In fact, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada estimates that every 24 minutes, someone is diagnosed with blood cancer. 

How Servier Canada is committed to cancer research 

At Servier Canada, one of our core values is the improvement of patient care. This month, we are promoting Blood Cancer Awareness Month to show our commitment to the many individuals living
with these hard-to-treat cancers, and to raise public awareness.  

As the Canadian subsidiary of an international pharmaceutical group whose aim is to become a renowned and innovative partner in the field of oncology, our mission is to support its research and development initiatives.

Servier invests over 20% of its revenue from brand-name medicines in R&D each year, and 50% of this global budget is allocated to cancer research. Thanks to collaborations and partnerships with health care professionals, we strive to discover new treatments that will improve patients’ lives.

To learn more about blood cancers

Since its inception in 1955, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada funds research and aims to improve the quality of life of people affected by blood cancers, as well as that of their families. By providing, among other things, support, events and advocacy, the LLSC accompanies those who live with these types of cancer throughout their journey. 

The Canadian Cancer Society, as the national organization providing support and information for matters related to cancer, offers a detailed website featuring a section dedicated to blood cancer in Canada. The Society also offers a help line and an online community.

Lymphoma Canada‘s mission is to empower patients and the lymphoma community through education, support, advocacy and research.

Myeloma Canada is the only national not-for-profit organization created by and for Canadians impacted by multiple myeloma, commonly referred to as myeloma. This blood cancer is associated with the abnormal behaviour and uncontrolled growth of plasma cells (a type of white blood cell made in the bone marrow).