Brain cancer is a stark reminder that each day is precious. Yet every day, 27 Canadians are diagnosed with a brain tumour and eight will be told they have brain cancer. Malignant or not, brain tumours are life-altering and treatment options can be neurotoxic and limited.1
Hope, however, is limitless.
When we put our heads together for the Hats for Hope campaign, we can instill hope for a cure through research and support. That’s why Servier invests over half of our R&D budget in oncology.
And our dedication is paying off: we’re at the leading edge of research to treat gliomas, the second-most common type of cancer in Canadians under 40 years old and the second-most common cause of cancer-related deaths in this group.2
On October 24, Servier Canada proudly supports Brain Cancer Awareness Day in Canada and the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada’s seventh annual Hats for Hope Campaign. That’s the day when people all across the country don a hat or hoodie to raise awareness and funds for those affected by brain tumours.

We invite you to show your support by buying your toque or hoodie at hatsforhopecanada.ca and posting your photos on social media using the hashtags #HatsForHope and #HoodiesForHope and tag@braintumour.
You can post on Brain Cancer Awareness Day in Canada on October 24, during International Brain Tumour Awareness Week (October 26 to November 2, 2024) … or any day you feel like giving hope a head start.
1 Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada, https://www.braintumour.ca/get-involved/raising-awareness/brain-cancer-awareness-day/, extracted on August 30th
2 Your Health Matter, https://health.sunnybrook.ca/sunnyview/new-hope-in-brain-tumour-treatment/, extracted on October 8, 2024.